Fun Stuff
This page features a few, random selections of favorite projects I’ve done over the years; beginning with this campaign promoting the essential practice of hand washing in hospitals.

Next, a clever little print campaign promoting the pairing possibilities in an urban neighborhood in downtown Dallas.

Print campaign promoting the playful and eclectic atmosphere of downtown Fort Worth’s entertainment and shopping district.

Another fun project for Sundance Square – a construction-barrier-turned-comic-strip. At the time of construction, it was said to be the largest comic strip in Texas.

Invitation package for the Cowboy’s Kickoff Luncheon.

A couple of spooky invitations to an annual Halloween-time fundraiser.

Below is an invitation and teaser ads for a Texas DQ convention held in Houston.

Proposed menu system for Texas DQ.

Here’s a campaign introducing brisket street tacos at Texas DQ.

Baskets campaign for Texas DQ designed to run during the month of March.

Proposed packaging design for Texas DQ.

Here’s a fun little campaign for a local burger franchise.

In-store promotional materials.

And finally, a collection of promotional t-shirts.